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Обзор статистики зарплат в отрасли "IT в Баку"

630 ₼ Средняя зарплата в месяц

Уровень средней зарплаты в отрасли "IT" за последние 12 месяцев в Баку

Валюта: AZN USD Год: 2024
На гистограмме изображено изменение уровня средней заработной платы в Баку.

Рекомендуемые вакансии

Project Engineer/Project Manager
• Liaise with managers and clients to define project requirements, scopes, and objectives that align with organizational goals• Coordinate internal and external resources, ensuring that projects remain within scope, schedule, and budget• Analyze project progress and, when necessary, adapt scope or timeline to achieve optimal results• Achieve organizational goals while adhering to standards and best practices• Monitoring project progress and creating project status reports for project managers and stakeholders• Assisting with resource scheduling so that team members have the resources they need to complete their tasks• Scheduling stakeholder meetings and facilitating communication between the project manager and stakeholders throughout the project life cycle• Managing project management documents such as the project plan, budget, schedule or scope statement, as directed by the project manager• Executing a variety of project management administrative tasks such as billing and bookkeeping• Support team members when implementing risk management strategies Namizədə tələblər • University Education ( Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in relevant field)• Advanced level of MS Office, MS Project(is preferable)• 3+ years of experience in project coordination / project engineer• Professional certification such as PMP (desirable) • Fluent in Azeri, English and Russian(advantage)
Senior SEO mütəxəssisi
Saytların axtarış kanallarına uyğun optimallaşdırılmasını etməkAçar sözləri çıxarmaq və ona uyğun kontentləri hazırlamaqTexniki SEO işlərini aparmaqZiyarətçilərin saytla bağlı təcrübələrini izləmək və müvafiq optimalaşdırma həlləri təklif etməkBacklink araşdırmaq və tətbiq etmək bacarığıGoogle-a aid yenilikləri izləməkAylıq görülən işlərin hesabatlarını hazırlamaq Namizədə tələblər SEO sahəsində minimal 1 il təcrübəTexniki bacarıq və biliklərinin olmasıAxtarış motorlarını yaxşı başa düşməkMüştərilərin necə axtarış etdiyini, harada axtardıqlarını və nəyə görə onlayn olaraq nəyisə satın aldıqlarını başa düşməkDaha geniş marketinq kontekstini yaxşı başa düşməkSıralama faktorlarını başa düşmək üçün güclü analitik bacarıqlarƏla ünsiyyət bacarıqlarıHTML/CSS kodlaşdırma anlayışı və ya təcrübəsi (şərt deyil)Microsoft Office proqramlarında işləmə bacarığı
Преподавател по компьютерной графике
Piramida Təhsil Mərkəzi, Bakı
- Обучение слушателей основным принципам дизайна, а так же работе в указанных программах (индивидуально или в мини группах )- гибкий график работыЕсли Вы уверенны в своей квалификации и опыте, и желаете передать свои знания и навыки другим — приглашаем Вас на работу! Пожалуйста присылайте свое резюме с портфолио сюда: [email protected]В теме электронного письма укажите название вакансии. Namizədə tələblər - Знание одного или нескольких из следующих графических программ (Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator, InDesign, AutoCAD, 3D Max)- Опыт работы в сфере графического дизайна.- Опыт преподавательской деятельности (желателен)- Грамотная речь, хорошо поставленный голос, умение системно излагать материал;- Работа с группой студентов,- Разработка программ обучения
Full stack developer
Corn Advertising, Bakı
-Yeni proqram təminatının hazırlanması-Mövcud proqram təminatlarına texniki dəstək-Serverə nəzarət-Əmək haqqı namizədin təcrübəsinə əsasən təyin ediləcək. (elanda şərtidir)- İş qrafiki: 5 gün, 09:00 – 18:00-AR Əmək Məcəlləsinə əsasən rəsmiləşdirməNamizədlərdən CV- və portfoliolarını mövzu hissəsində “Full stack developer” qeyd edərək [email protected]  e-ünvanına göndərmələri xahiş olunur. Namizədə tələblər -Səliqəli və oxunaqlı kod yazmaq bacarığı-HTML5, CSS, JavaScript üzrə biliklər-PHP və Laravel Framework biliyi (bu sahədə iş təcrübəsi mütləqdir)Laravel / MVC iş bilikləri-Verilənlər bazası (MySQL, MSSQL) bilikləri ( sorğuları yazıb optimallaşdırmaq bacarığı-Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax bilikləri-Responsiv veb səhifələri kodlaşdırmaq bacarığı-C Panellə işləmə bacarığı-İşində dəqiq və məsuliyyətli-Analitik düşünməli və yaranan problemləri vaxtında aradan qaldırmalı
Sales Operation Manager / Project Manager in IT ( BAKU )
DIS Group, Баку
DIS Group offers comprehensive solutions in the field of data management and business analytics based on technologies from recognized world leaders: Informatica, KMS Lighthouse, etc. The largest companies in the CIS market trust us: banking, oil and gas sectors, retail, telecom, manufacturing. Dis Group simplifies work with data and information, providing new opportunities for business growth. Who we are looking for: We are expanding our sales department and are looking for a Sales operation manager with experience in working with Enterprise-level IT solutions to join the team. What to do: Sales of DIS Group product line solutions. Conducting negotiations with Customers from the current database. Development of presentations. Demonstration of DIS Group solutions. Formation of a pilot proposal together with the technical manager. Formation of a commercial proposal. Conclusion of contracts with Customers. Organization of meetings with Customers. Expansion of the package of offers for current Customers. Interaction with vendors and partners. Maintaining a customer database in CRM Bitrix 24. Participation in the organization of seminars and forums DIS Group together with the marketing department. Generation of reports. We will be glad to see in the team: You are already a pro in selling IT solutions, or are actively involved in implementations. You know the specifics of B2B sales, you know how to maintain good contacts with clients in different areas and business segments, or you want to learn. Sales is a drive for you. You love to earn money. You know how to show the client how to get value. You speak English, Azerbaijani and Russian: you can conduct business correspondence and participate in negotiations. For You: Interesting tasks and opportunities for growth and development in the friendly DIS Group team. Location: Baku. Decent salary + annual bonuses (paid quarterly). Work format: hybrid (online + visiting clients). Compensation for mobile communications.
Инженер сервисного центра по IT-оборудованию
MUK International, Баку
Требования: Высшее техническое образование; Опыт работы от 2-х лет; Грамотная устная и письменная речь; Знание азербайджанского и русского языка; Чтение технической документации, в т.ч. и на английском языке; Опыт в инсталляции, настройке и ремонте IT оборудования; Навыки выявления неисправности и устранения неполадок (troubleshooting); Наличие сертификатов вендоров приветствуется. Обязанности: Проведение диагностики, определение неисправности в отношении широкого спектра IT-оборудования; Ремонт ноутбуков, компьютеров, мониторов и аналогичного оборудования; Модульная замена компонентов серверов, систем хранения данных и прочего серверного оборудования, устранение неисправностей; Прохождение профильного обучения с последующей сдачей экзаменов; Взаимодействие с производителями IT-оборудования по крупной и модульной замене; Участие в пуско-наладочных работах и настройка IT-оборудования. Личные качества: Коммуникабельность; Стрессоустойчивость; Пунктуальность; Внимательность; Аналитический склад ума.
Informasiya texnologiyaları mütəxəssisi (IT) Təçrübəçi
ICGROUP, Баку, Ясамальский район, Mirvari Park Yaşayış Komp ...
Informasiya texnologiyaları mütəxəssisi (IT) Tələblər:- Ofis proqamları: MS office (word,excel)-Rus dilini bilmək vacibdi.- Problem həll etmək bacarığına malik- Məsuliyyət, düzgünlük, dəqiqlik və etibarlılıq kimi müsbət göstəricilərə sahib olmaq- Ünsiyyətqurma və komandada işləmək bacarığı- Analitik təhlil və operativlik bacarığıVəzifələr:- Verilən tapşırıqların yerinə yetirilməsi İş şəraiti:- İş qrafiki 5 günlükdür- İş vaxtı 09:00-18:00a kimi- 1-3 ay müddətinə təcrübə- təcrübəni uğurla başa catdıran və imtahandan uğurla keçən işə qəbul edilə bilər Свободное знание русского и азербайджанского языковПунктуальностьУмение работать в коллективеГотовность и желание учиться.- Хорошее владение языками: Азербайджанский, Русский- обязательно, Английский как преимущество- Хорошая коммуникабельность, внимательность, активность- Высшее оконченное образованиеВыполнять задания руководства, настойчиво овладевать знаниями.Стажировка в одной из ведущих İT компаний.Приглашаются в том числе студенты технических и экономических ВУЗов
Симонова Ангелина Сергеевна, Баку
Hello, Dear Job Seeker! Our agency is now actively growing, so we are expanding our team of recruiters and looking for active professionals who will be part of our overall success. What we want to see in you: Experience in recruiting from six months; English language skills at B2-C1 level; Experience in using various strategies and tools to find candidates; Ability to find an approach to different candidates. What we offer: Fully remote work from anywhere in the world, you only need a laptop; Motivating payment system: Fixed salary, based on your expectations and assessment of competencies at the interview, as well as bonuses for each successfully closed vacancy; Exciting Job Opportunities: You will have the opportunity to work with a variety of IT positions; Access to modern tools: All necessary tools, accounts and services are provided by the company. We also have our own CRM-system for effective management of data about candidates and vacancies; Cooperation with a team of specialists who know their job. What we will provide: Work schedule from 10:00 to 19:00 (GMT +3); Paid vacation and sick leave; Fixed salary + KPI bonuses (salary level is discussed at the interview). If you think that we are suitable for each other, click on the button "respond", we will be glad to meet you! Здравствуй, Дорогой Соискатель! Сейчас наше агентство активно растет, поэтому мы расширяем команду рекрутеров и ищем активных специалистов, которые станут частью нашего общего успеха. Что мы хотим увидеть в тебе: Опыт в рекрутинге от полугода; Владение английским языком на уровне В2-С1; Опыт использования различных стратегий и инструментов для поиска кандидатов; Умение найти подход к разным кандидатам. Что мы предлагаем: Полностью удаленная работа из любой точки мира, нужен лишь ноутбук; Мотивирующая система оплаты труда: Фиксированный оклад, определяемый на основе ваших ожиданий и оценки компетенций на собеседовании, а также бонусы за каждую успешно закрытую вакансию; Работа с интересными вакансиями: У вас будет возможность работать с различными позициями в сфере IT; Доступ к современным инструментам: Все необходимые инструменты, аккаунты и сервисы предоставляются компанией. У нас также есть собственная CRM-система для эффективного управления данными о кандидатах и вакансиях; Работа в команде специалистов знающих свое дело. Что мы обеспечим: График работы 5\2 с 10:00 до 19:00 (GMT +3); Оплачиваемые отпуск и больничный; Фиксированный оклад + бонусы по KPI ( уровень заработной платы обсуждается на собеседовании). Если считаешь, что мы подходим друг другу, нажимай на кнопку “откликнуться”, будем рады знакомству!
SAP EAM Consultant
LeverX International, Баку
LeverX Team is looking for a SAP EAM Consultant. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to gain experience working with a global IT partner. REQUIREMENTS 1-3 years of experience in the relevant field; Strong knowledge of Plant Maintenance processes; Expertise in SAP EAM/PM functionality; Proven ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment; Knowledge of ISO 55001-55003 standards will be a plus. English language (Pre-Intermediate or higher). RESPONSIBILITIES Work closely with business stakeholders to understand their requirements and provide optimal solutions in the areas of Enterprise Asset Management & Plant Maintenance; Participate in SAP EAM/PM implementation and enhancement projects, including project planning, design, configuration, testing and deployment; Develop and maintain functional specifications and document business requirements, process flows, and solution design; Perform testing and support activities during the entire project lifecycle, including issue resolution and system documentation; Work closely with technical teams to ensure the business requirements are met, and technical solutions are aligned with business processes.
Certified Creatio Implementation Specialist
Velvetech, LLC, Баку
Certified Creatio Implementation Specialist About us Velvetech is an American global software development company headquartered in Miami, FL, and with an office in Chicago, IL. Velvetech has its developers strategically distributed in 10+ global technical job markets to deliver the best in class software engineering and exceptional client services. We have 20+ years of experience in software and hardware development for clients all around the world, especially for US clients. As an official Microsoft Gold Partner, our company is listed in the top 5 software development companies in Illinois, USA. US clients are leading trading and financial organizations, insurance companies, large healthcare associations, pharmaceutical and energy companies, equipment manufacturers, hi-tech startups, etc. Areas of expertise are consulting, development, implementation, and support of software solutions. We implement modern backend solutions that support microservices architecture with the following technologies: NET Core, Node.js, Java, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ. For the web UI front-end development, we opt for React, or Angular, and for mobile development — Swift, Kotlin, Java. Most of the systems are designed for cloud infrastructures like AWS, Azure, GCP, and heavily rely on Docker, Kubernetes while modern CI/CD is made using GitLab CI or TeamCity. In September 2021, Velvetech LLC received the status of the official Training Provider of the International Institute of Business Analysis. This status gives us the right to conduct regular quality trainings for Business Analysts and anyone performing BA activities regardless their job title. Principles are based on Agile Methodology, Scrum and Kanban. Various projects coded in GitLab or GitHub are built with multiple coordinated teams, collaborating via Jira, Confluence, MS Teams, and Slack. Velvetech constantly follows the Tech trends and actively cooperates with startups in such breakthrough areas as Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, FPGA, and AI.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ We are looking for a dedicated Implementation Specialist with expertise in Creatio’s no-code platform. The successful candidate will implement and configure Creatio solutions tailored to our clients' specific needs. Key Responsibilities: Work with clients to gather and analyze their business requirements. Design and configure Creatio solutions using low-code tools. Develop and customize workflows, user interfaces, and business logic within Creatio. Conduct thorough testing to ensure the quality and functionality of implemented solutions. Provide training and support to clients during and after the implementation process. Create comprehensive documentation for implemented solutions and processes. Collaborate with business analysts, developers, and other stakeholders to ensure successful project delivery. Qualifications: Creatio certification is required. At least 2+ years of experience implementing IT solutions, preferably with CRM or BPM platforms. Strong understanding of business process modeling and data integration methods. Proficiency in using no-code development tools for system customization. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously. English knowledge at Upper-Intermediate level or higher. Benefits Velvetech is in the TOP 5 development companies in Illinois, USA You have FLEXIBLE working conditions and a COOPERATIVE environment Competitive salary Many CHALLENGING and exciting projects with new opportunities and learning GROWTH opportunities, skills and competencies improvement, and professional certification In-company TRAINING (English, Software / DevOps / Project management / Design / Business) What we offer Our employee has an opportunity for continuous learning as a front-end developer with improving your SPA development and other skills while performing code review and improving CI/CD processes and automation. Besides that, you will be participating in bi-weekly inter-team demos via Zoom, sharing results and receiving input from other teammates. By working in short 5-day sprints with small batches of clear tasks, we offer many flexible benefits that make us different from other companies. Our team We are a friendly team of 150+ professionals where everyone is able to achieve high results and grows professionally not only due to their own knowledge and skills but also with the support of colleagues. Values that we highly appreciate are high performance, responsibility, respect, and loyalty. In order to have a highly motivated team, Velvetech invests in their people, additional education, certification, and others. You choose your career path and we are here to support you! People work together in harmony, encouraging each other to continuously learn, progress, and pursue perfection. Our employees enjoy working as we turn challenges into advantages to share success with each other. You have a chance to become a part of a friendly and professional team that creates robust software solutions to deliver maximum value to our international clients.