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Обзор статистики зарплат профессии "HTML верстальщик в Баку"

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Обзор статистики зарплат профессии "HTML верстальщик в Баку"

700 ₼ Средняя зарплата в месяц

Уровень средней зарплаты за последние 12 месяцев: "HTML верстальщик в Баку"

Валюта: AZN USD Год: 2024
На гистограмме изображено изменение уровня средней заработной платы профессии HTML верстальщик в Баку.

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PHP developer
Techtonas, Bakı
•Yeni proqram təminatı hazırlanması;•Mövcud proqram təminatlarına texniki dəstək göstərilməsi;•Mövcud proqram təminatlarının inkişaf etdirilməsi;•Proqram təminatlarının test edilməsi;•Git, Github və GitLab istifadə etmək;•Məntiqi və analitik düşünmə tərzi və təşəbbüsskarlıq;•Alqoritm qurma bacarığı;•Mövcud layihələrdə təkmilləşdirmə, optimallaşdırma və texniki dəstək işlərinin aparılması; Namizədə tələblər •Obyekt yönümlü proqramlaşdırmada və MVC arxitekturasında təcrübə•PHP və Laravel üzrə biliklər•REST Api-larla işləmə qabiliyyəti•HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap üzrə biliklər•Verilənlər bazası ilə işləmə bacarığı•Güclü alqoritmik düşünmə və problem həll etmə bacarığı
UI/UX Designer
Webzool Creative Inc, Bakı
Webzool Creative Inc is looking for an experienced UI/UX Designer. We’re a team of creative digital media experts, web and app developers, designers, and content writers whose dedicated to creating legacy and difference for our clients and partners. So far, we have helped lots of small businesses and startups. We strive to put that same level of quality and resourcefulness into everything we touch, whether building a website or achieving search engine marketing goals.The UX-UI Designers are generally responsible for collecting, researching, investigating and evaluating user requirements. Their responsibility is to deliver an outstanding user experience providing an exceptional and intuitive application design. We are looking for a dynamic UI/UX Designer who will be responsible for the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design of our various digital assets. You will ensure that all elements of the online user experience are optimized for improved usability, usefulness, and exceptional visual design.*Weekly 40 hours – full-time, remote work*Starting salary: 1000 AZN*Job duties will be performed in a full-time remote setting.Responsibilities:*Develop dynamic user interfaces and creative visual designs through best practices, including sketches, mock-ups, wireframes, prototypes and other user-cantered design methodologies*Develop designs with the customer experience that fit, support and accelerate our customers' goals*Ability to design any kind of digital assets including website, application, banner and other elements which meet customer experience and current tends*Transform complicated processes and concepts into simple, intuitive user flows and interfaces*Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver highly creative, interactive and tangible experiences*Work with client suggestions to conceptualize new product features*Individual approach to each task and research*Research and recommend technology creative design trends to produce cutting-edge user interfaces and increase user satisfaction Namizədə tələblər Requirements:*Minimum of 2 years’ UI/UX design experience for digital products or services.*Knowledge of wireframe tools (e.g. Wireframe.cc and InVision)*Up-to-date knowledge of design software like Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop*A portfolio of professional UI/UX design work for both web and mobile platforms.*Working knowledge of the following technologies and software: Sketch, InVision, Visio, HTML, CSS (SCSS), iOS, Android, Design Systems and Adobe Creative Suite AdobeXD.*Multi-tasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks.*Be actively involved in defining the design strategy for the projects*Think in terms of design systems, not just screens*Work through product problems from definition and opportunity to shipping features to our users*Design and prototype multiple ideas quickly, sometimes with users, to validate product*A self-starter who proactively collaborates with designers, developers, communications, and other teams in the organization*An understanding of the product development process, from problem definition through to detailed UI and visual design
Senior SEO mütəxəssisi
Saytların axtarış kanallarına uyğun optimallaşdırılmasını etməkAçar sözləri çıxarmaq və ona uyğun kontentləri hazırlamaqTexniki SEO işlərini aparmaqZiyarətçilərin saytla bağlı təcrübələrini izləmək və müvafiq optimalaşdırma həlləri təklif etməkBacklink araşdırmaq və tətbiq etmək bacarığıGoogle-a aid yenilikləri izləməkAylıq görülən işlərin hesabatlarını hazırlamaq Namizədə tələblər SEO sahəsində minimal 1 il təcrübəTexniki bacarıq və biliklərinin olmasıAxtarış motorlarını yaxşı başa düşməkMüştərilərin necə axtarış etdiyini, harada axtardıqlarını və nəyə görə onlayn olaraq nəyisə satın aldıqlarını başa düşməkDaha geniş marketinq kontekstini yaxşı başa düşməkSıralama faktorlarını başa düşmək üçün güclü analitik bacarıqlarƏla ünsiyyət bacarıqlarıHTML/CSS kodlaşdırma anlayışı və ya təcrübəsi (şərt deyil)Microsoft Office proqramlarında işləmə bacarığı
.Net full-stack Developer (remote)
Velvetech, LLC, Баку
Velvetech is an American global software development company headquartered in Miami, FL, and with an office in Chicago, IL Velvetech has its developers strategically distributed in 10+ global technical job markets to deliver the best in class software engineering and exceptional client services. We have 20+ years of experience in software and hardware development for clients all around the world, especially for US clients. As an official Microsoft Gold Partner, our company is listed in the top 5 software development companies in Illinois, USA. US clients are leading trading and financial organizations, insurance companies, large healthcare associations, pharmaceutical and energy companies, equipment manufacturers, hi-tech startups, etc. Will you start your journey with us? We have one ticket for this journey, working fully remotely from the coziness of your home with many benefits, and a competitive performance-based salary. A new team member will design web applications for business systems, use various programming languages to write code, apply knowledge to adapt and test applications, maintain coding documentation, project progress reports, and application maintenance logs. Are you in? Developing front-end website architecture and back-end website applications Designing user interactions on web pages and ensuring responsiveness of applications Developing a project from conception to finished product while meeting both technical and client needs Staying updated with all trends in developing web applications and programming languages Have you packed all things for this journey? (2+ years of experience in the following technologies) .Net core SQL databases (MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL) ORM: EF, Nhibernate UI: React SOLID English level: Intermediate and higher CSS/LESS, Bootstrap Problem-solving skills and attention to detail (The following will be considered as an advantage) Experience with AWS / Azure, Docker / Kubernetes, and Linux No SQL databases such as MongoDB / Cassandra Knowledge of functional languages such as Python / F# Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD) Velvetech Passport Velvetech is in the TOP 5 development companies in Illinois, USA FLEXIBLE working conditions and a COOPERATIVE environment A COMPETITIVE and performance-based salary, fair compensation and benefits Many CHALLENGING and exciting projects with new opportunities and learning GROWTH opportunities, skills and competencies improvement, and professional certification In-company TRAINING (English, Software / DevOps / Project management / Design / Business) Are you ready for the following destinations? Future projects as highly loaded SaaS web-based services for automating business processes in the field of medicine, insurance, finance, energy, including modules for processing large data arrays, billing subsystems, integration with external data sources, mobile applications, and IP telephony systems. What are the details of the journey? US clients are leading trading and financial organizations, insurance companies, large healthcare associations, pharmaceutical and energy companies, equipment manufacturers, hi-tech startups, etc. Areas of expertise are consulting, development, implementation and support of software solutions with modern microservices backends (.Net core, Node.js, Java, SQL Server, Postgres, Mongo, Redis, RabbitMQ), web front-ends (React, Angular), and mobile development (Swift, Kotlin, Java). Most of the systems are prepared for cloud infrastructures (AWS, Azure, GCP), and heavily rely on Docker, Kubernetes while modern CI/CD is made using Gitlab CI or Teamcity. Principles are based on Agile Methodology, Scrum and Kanban. Various projects coded in Gitlab or Github are built with multiple coordinated teams, collaborating via JIRA, Confluence, MS Teams, and Slack. Velvetech constantly follows the Tech trends and actively cooperates with start-ups in such breakthrough areas as Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, FPGA, and AI. Do you want to join our team on this journey? We are a friendly team of 150+ professionals where everyone is able to achieve high results and grows professionally not only due to their own knowledge and skills but also with the support of colleagues. Values that we highly appreciate are high performance, responsibility, respect, and loyalty. In order to have a highly motivated team, Velvetech invests in their people, additional education, certification, and others. You choose your career path and we are here to support you! People work together in harmony, encouraging each other to continuously learn, progress, and pursue perfection. Our employees enjoy working as we turn challenges into advantages to share success with each other. You have a chance to become a part of a friendly and professional team that creates robust software solutions to deliver maximum value to our international clients. Start your journey today!
Full stack developer
Corn Advertising, Bakı
-Yeni proqram təminatının hazırlanması-Mövcud proqram təminatlarına texniki dəstək-Serverə nəzarət-Əmək haqqı namizədin təcrübəsinə əsasən təyin ediləcək. (elanda şərtidir)- İş qrafiki: 5 gün, 09:00 – 18:00-AR Əmək Məcəlləsinə əsasən rəsmiləşdirməNamizədlərdən CV- və portfoliolarını mövzu hissəsində “Full stack developer” qeyd edərək [email protected]  e-ünvanına göndərmələri xahiş olunur. Namizədə tələblər -Səliqəli və oxunaqlı kod yazmaq bacarığı-HTML5, CSS, JavaScript üzrə biliklər-PHP və Laravel Framework biliyi (bu sahədə iş təcrübəsi mütləqdir)Laravel / MVC iş bilikləri-Verilənlər bazası (MySQL, MSSQL) bilikləri ( sorğuları yazıb optimallaşdırmaq bacarığı-Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax bilikləri-Responsiv veb səhifələri kodlaşdırmaq bacarığı-C Panellə işləmə bacarığı-İşində dəqiq və məsuliyyətli-Analitik düşünməli və yaranan problemləri vaxtında aradan qaldırmalı
React Developer
Velvetech, LLC, Баку
React Developer (remote) About us Velvetech is an American global software development company headquartered in Miami, FL, and with an office in Chicago, IL. Velvetech has its developers strategically distributed in 10+ global technical job markets to deliver the best in class software engineering and exceptional client services. We have 20+ years of experience in software and hardware development for clients all around the world, especially for US clients. As an official Microsoft Gold Partner, our company is listed in the top 5 software development companies in Illinois, USA. US clients are leading trading and financial organizations, insurance companies, large healthcare associations, pharmaceutical and energy companies, equipment manufacturers, hi-tech startups, etc. Areas of expertise are consulting, development, implementation, and support of software solutions. We implement modern backend solutions that support microservices architecture with the following technologies: NET Core, Node.js, Java, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ. For the web UI front-end development, we opt for React, or Angular, and for mobile development — Swift, Kotlin, Java. Most of the systems are designed for cloud infrastructures like AWS, Azure, GCP, and heavily rely on Docker, Kubernetes while modern CI/CD is made using GitLab CI or TeamCity. In September 2021, Velvetech LLC received the status of the official Training Provider of the International Institute of Business Analysis. This status gives us the right to conduct regular quality trainings for Business Analysts and anyone performing BA activities regardless their job title. Principles are based on Agile Methodology, Scrum and Kanban. Various projects coded in GitLab or GitHub are built with multiple coordinated teams, collaborating via Jira, Confluence, MS Teams, and Slack. Velvetech constantly follows the Tech trends and actively cooperates with startups in such breakthrough areas as Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, FPGA, and AI. Responsibilities If you would like to share your knowledge and experience in designing and implementing user interface components for JavaScript-based web and mobile applications using the React open-source library ecosystem with our friendly team, we invite you to join us. As a new team member, working fully remotely from the coziness of your home, you would be responsible for leading the team while developing the latest user-facing features using React and building a modern highly responsive web-based user interface. In a friendly environment with the possibility of growing your business and technical skills further along with various certifications and career upgrades, you would be able to have many benefits and a competitive performance-based salary that are waiting for you. Actively involved from conception to completion with projects that are technologically sound and aesthetically impressive Building reusable components and front-end libraries for future use and translating designs and wireframes into high-quality code Optimizing components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers and coordinating with various teams working on distinct layers Redesigning and rewriting the product functionality, developing features to enhance the user experience, and determining the structure and design of the product Evaluating emerging technologies and proposing strategic, innovative, and cost-effective solutions that increase the efficiency, reliability, and integration of the business software Developing the shared component library (currently converting our component library from Flow to TypeScript, migrating from version 9 to 10 of styled components or CSS models) Helping transition our product from the old UI to ASP.NET and transition the scripts in jQuery+React, which inject components in our legacy UI, to a full SPA application (React ^16.13.x) Communicate frontend best practices to the team, enhancing efficiency and performance across the department Additional activities and benefits: Continuously learning as a front-end developer and improving SPA development and other skills Web and Mobile Applications (Development and Integration, iOS, Android, etc.) IT Services (Data and System Migration, Cloud, IT Security, etc.) Process Automation (Smart Technology implementation, Problem-solving methodologies, etc.) Project Types Future projects as highly loaded SaaS web-based services for automating business processes in the field of medicine, insurance, finance, energy, including modules for processing large data arrays, integration with external data sources, mobile applications, and others. Software Development Service (Developing custom software solutions and platforms, etc.) Performing code review and improving CI/CD processes and automation Participating in bi-weekly inter-team demos via Zoom, sharing results, and receiving input from other teammates Working in short 5-day sprints with small batches of clear tasks Requirements 3 – 6 years of experience in the following technologies: Thorough understanding of React and its core principles ES6/ES2015 and React ^16.13.x DOM / HTML5 API, CSS3 and HTML5 Package managers npm/yarn Building SPAs Writing tests using Jest + Enzyme REST architecture understanding The following experience will be considered as an advantage: Independently implementing product features Working in a cross-functional team (Designers, UX researchers, BAs, product managers, and other developers) English level: at least an intermediate level Flow and Typescript industry experience Latest ECMAScript interest, React and innovations in the world of client-side development Testing-library and its extensions for hooks and React You like to introduce new tools, expand ESLint, prettier configurations Customization GitLab CI, Docker or webpack NGINX configuration knowledge Our stack, infrastructure, and tools: are TypeScript, Flow, Emotion, React, Babel ^7.10.x, Webpack, Rollup, Yarn Jest, Enzyme, Testing-library ESLint, prettier, Commitlint, semantic-release Git, Jira, Confluence, GitLab, Docker, K8S Benefits Velvetech is in the TOP 5 development companies in Illinois, USA You have FLEXIBLE working conditions and a COOPERATIVE environment Competitive salary Many CHALLENGING and exciting projects with new opportunities and learning GROWTH opportunities, skills and competencies improvement, and professional certification In-company TRAINING (English, Software / DevOps / Project management / Design / Business) What we offer Our employee has an opportunity for continuous learning as a front-end developer with improving your SPA development and other skills while performing code review and improving CI/CD processes and automation. Besides that, you will be participating in bi-weekly inter-team demos via Zoom, sharing results and receiving input from other teammates. By working in short 5-day sprints with small batches of clear tasks, we offer many flexible benefits that make us different from other companies. Our team We are a friendly team of 150+ professionals where everyone is able to achieve high results and grows professionally not only due to their own knowledge and skills but also with the support of colleagues. Values that we highly appreciate are high performance, responsibility, respect, and loyalty. In order to have a highly motivated team, Velvetech invests in their people, additional education, certification, and others. You choose your career path and we are here to support you! People work together in harmony, encouraging each other to continuously learn, progress, and pursue perfection. Our employees enjoy working as we turn challenges into advantages to share success with each other. You have a chance to become a part of a friendly and professional team that creates robust software solutions to deliver maximum value to our international clients.
Salesforce Developer
Nitka Technologies, Inc., Баку
Nitka Technologies develops software for customers in the US and Europe and brings together about 300 professionals from Eastern Europe, North and South America, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan. We are looking for an experienced Salesforce Developer for a long-term project. The customer is a company in California, an industry leader in the sale of tickets to events in Europe and the USA. The project is a CRM platform based on Salesforce Marketing Cloud. We offer 100% remote, full-time work with a flexible schedule. Responsibilities Design, build, test, optimize and execute email, mobile app push and web push marketing campaigns. Design, build and test dynamic emails and pushes. Work with other team members to administer several instances of SFMC. Suggest architectural designs and recommend solutions. Participate in an on-call rotation schedule, including after-hours support. Build and maintain processes external to SFMC in Amazon Web Services. Work closely with Product Management, Program Management, and business stakeholders while designing, building, and launching new marketing campaigns. Finding solutions to scalability and developing tools and processes to reduce overhead. Handle operational task to keep the marketing campaigns running. Participate in peer code reviews and provide feedback to other members of the team. Understand business goals and drivers and translate those into an appropriate technical solution. Qualifications: 5 years of experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Proficiency with building emails, including expertise in Ampscript and an understanding of HTML, specifically for emails. Experience with administering SFMC accounts and Business Units. Skilled in SQL. A competency with Server-side Javascript. A familiarity with AWS and Terraform. A familiarity with Agile development. A familiarity with the SFMC API is a plus. Experience with Java and / or Python is a plus. Experience with Gitlab and CI/CD is a plus Working conditions: Remote work Full-time (8 hours/day) Flexible schedule Attractive USD compensation Paid vacation, holidays
Full stack Wordpress Developer
ДЖИ М ВАЙ Консалтинг Групп / GMY Consulting Group, Баку
We are GMY Consulting - USA based company, and our primary goal is to work with the American market, providing a wide range of services. We offer design, development, accounting, client consultations, and support, as well as other services, including CFO functions, meeting the diverse needs of our clients. Our team of specialists helps entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses optimize their financial and creative operations.We are currently looking for Full stack WordPress Developer capable of creating and maintaining websites for our various clients. We welcome initiative and talented individuals, who we would be happy to have join our team. Requirements: Strong HTML, SCSS, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap skills WordPress CMS knowledge (Text Editor/Elementor, Advanced Custom Fields, Plugins customization, etc.) English B1 Completing a test assignment is a must Only B2B We work only with small businesses, self-employed individuals, individual entrepreneurs and sole proprietors, freelancers, and business incubators What you will do: Create website layouts based on Figma designs Develop websites with custom WordPress themes Work with content Improve the functionality of current pages Fix code and front appearance bugs Maintain and administrate current projects and websites, make changes, revisions and updates Benefits: Bonuses and benefits based on performance at the end of the year Remote work only. You can work at home or cafe, we care only for deadlines and result! Flexible hours 4–8 hour work day, depending on workload and number of projects 18 days off and 4 sick leaves for self-employed We welcome candidates with disabilities and immobility